
TeleVital’s VitalWeb link provided the same information I would have received if l had been physically in the operating room. VitalWeb represents a significant advance in telemedicine with far-reaching benefits for both healthcare professionals and their patients.
Dr. Lynne Gehr
Dr. Lynne Gehr
Anesthesia Specialist from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond
It is matter of transporting so much information about a patient that you really understand what is going on with that distance situation as though you were there and knowing that much can send back solutions that will work
Dr. Ronald Merrell
Dr. Ronald Merrell
Chairman of Surgery at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Medicine
The quality of the video and audio was absolutely amazing considering the 64Kbps bandwidth although at the same time the vital signs were also being sent. Almost nine hours of live anesthesia monitoring (vitals and audio/video) was performed on one day, and another 3 hours of Urology monitoring was (audio/video only) on the second day, without the slightest hiccup in performance
Nathaniel Marriam
Nathaniel Marriam
Media Director, MediTAC
No other company has transmitted diagnostic medical data in real-time over such a low bandwidth satellite connection. The capabilities of TeleVital technology is unmeasurable.
Chuck Doarn
Chuck Doarn
Executive Director, MedITAC/NASA

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Healthcare & Education are the vital pillars of our society and we are dedicated to improve Access to Quality Medical Care and Educational Content Delivery through Advanced Technologies

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