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CCTV Solutions and Time & Attendance Systems

Biometric (Fingerprint) based access Control


In today’s world security is the main concern for every individual, organization or even nation. Organizations invest huge amount of money to introduce stringent of security and cutting down mal practices. But manual way of checking a person to ensure that he she is an authorized person is always error prone and open to malpractices. Companies hence now are thinking of introducing latest technologies by which a person’s identity can be known before he/she enters the gate, the time of entry is automatically noted and similarly, the time of exit is also noted. Among the various technologies that have been tried so far, fingerprint recognition technology is considered to be the most robust. If a company has a biometric access control (the gate will open only when an authorized person) device installed. at the gate, it can monitor every entry

and exit along with the exact time of in and out. Since fingerprint of every person is unique, there is no chance of manipulation in any form. Employee time and attendance system can be easily integrated into the device.


Time and attendance and Payroll


If an organization installs a Smart Card Reader in the main gate and issues smart card identity cards to all its employees, much of manual data entry as well as unauthorized manipulation can be saved. The reader can identify each employee by its unique smart card id and can record the time in when the employee swipes the card in the morning (or at the start of shift). The application can even be connected to an access control door by which only authorized person in that particular shift can enter through the gate by swiping the card. Similarly, the time out or even lunch period can also be recorded. A complete payroll application can be built and even it can be integrated with complete ERP


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